Tuesday, 19 April 2016

What’s new in Swift 2.2

Swift 2.2 brings new syntax, new features, and some deprecations too. Today we will learn all the new changes that are made in swift 2.2.

As a reminder, “deprecation” means that a function or language feature is no longer recommended for use and will be removed entirely at a later date. In practice that means Swift will issue a compiler warning today, and a compiler error in the future — likely Swift 3.


Compile-time Swift version checks

Swift 2.2 introduces a new compiler directive that makes cross-version compatibility check. Now you can specify blocks of code that should be read only if the compiler supports a specific Swift language version.

#if swift(>=2.2)
         print("Swift with higher version")
         print("Swift will less version")

Compile-time Selector checks

Right now if we are using the selectors and call the method that does not exsits the at compile time we will not get any error but at runtime we will face the crash

let button = UIButton()
button.addTarget(self, action: "buttonClicked", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)

If we write the method name buttonClick by mistake, then Xcode will not notify us and will crash when button is clicked.

Using #selector will check your code at compile time to make sure the method you want to call actually exists. If the method doesn’t exist, you’ll get a compile error.

button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(buttonClick) , forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)

It will give you error “Use of unresolved identifier ‘buttonClick’”.

Built-in Tuple comparison

Swift 2.2 introduces the ability to compare two tuples for equality, which means it will check each element in one tuple against the matching element in another, and report true if all elements match.

let oldSwift = ("Swift", "2.2")
let newSwift = ("Swift", "2.2")

if oldSwift == newSwift {
           print("Tuple matched")
} else {
print("Tuple not matched")
It will give the output as “Tuple matched”.

C- Style Loops are Deprecated

With Swift 2.2 now you can not use C style loop.
for var i = 0; i < 5; i++ {
Now with the new swift 2.2 you can use the loop like.
for i in 0 ..< 5 {
If you want to use a reverse range then you can not directly reverse the range like below code.
for i in 5...0 {
It will give you crash at runtime. You have to use the reverse function to make the range in reverse order.
for i in (0...5).reverse() {

++ and -- are deprecated

Both prefix and post fix operators are now disabled. Now you can not use ++ and --.
You will instead need to use i += 1 or i -= 1.

var parameters are deprecated

Prior to Swift 2.2 we can declare function parameter as var if we want to modify it inside the function. With new var parameter depreciation we will not be confused between inout and var parameter as both can be modified inside function and that can create confusion.
func checkVarChanges(var str: String) {
           str = str.lowercaseString
Now with Swift 2.2.
func checkVarChanges(str: String) {
           let lowerCase = str.lowercaseString
More keywords can be used as argument labels
Swift has lots of keywords that you can use as a arguments but right now you have to place it in backticks like this.
func executeFunction(str: String, `repeat` count: Int) {
 executeFunction("name", `repeat`: 4)

But now in swift 2.2 we can use any keyword except  inout, var, let. Now with swift 2.2 code will be written as.
func executeFunction(str: String, repeat count: Int) {
executeFunction("name", repeat: 4)
Renamed debug identifiers: #line, #function, #file

Currently we are using  __FILE__, __LINE__, __COLUMN__, and __FUNCTION__ for debugging like printing line number,function and so on. Now in Swift 2.2 they are replaced by #file, #line, #column and #function.

func checkMyFunctionNameAtLine() {
//old - deprecated statement
           print("This is on line \(__LINE__) of \(__FUNCTION__)")

//new - change in swift 2.2
           print("This is on line \(#line) of \(#function)")

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